Commercial Brand Photography

10 fun facts about our ceo | commercial baby brand photographer

commercial baby brand photographer | 10 fun facts about our CEO



Howdy there, I’m the boss around here!

I’m Ashley- but my friends and family call me Ash.


If we’ve never truly met before, there’s much more to me than being a commercial baby brand photographer!

Here are 10 things about me most people don’t know…


1. I was a teen mom and I thought I would never find my “calling”.

I learned how to become a mom and I worked multiple jobs. Luckily I finally found my calling after I opened my photography company and became a commercial baby brand photographer.


2.  My favorite place in the world is our family cabin in Soda Springs, CA.

I have so many amazing memories there- from catching rainbow trout in the lake in our red canoe, riding our bikes around the lake, and being the reigning champs with my cousin for the three-legged race during Serene Lakes Days (think relay races and games). My grandpa designed and built the cabin himself and it is my favorite place in the entire world. Hands down.

3.  My husband Dameon and I went to middle school together and have known each other since we were 12.

We were in the same friend circle but never super close friends.

We reconnected at a party one night after high school and that was it!

We fell in love and we have been married for over 11 years now.



4.  I didn’t want to get chickens initially.

I still laugh when I think about this because I just adore those little angels so much!

I had to be persuaded and agreed “as long as we built them a cute coop”.

So Dameon and I built them the cutest little chicken coop.

When we bought our current home, we built another cute coop!


5.  I have RBF but am the most down-to-earth, kind person.

I hate when people think I am not approachable… I can’t help my face! 😂

6. I used to be awful at keeping any plants alive.

I literally killed them alllllll.

In 2020, I began researching and stumbled upon the Floret Farm Books and read them, kept learning and I am now obsessed with gardening and it’s one of my top loves!

Here’s a few of my roses in my private rose garden.

7. I LOVE classic cars + drag races.

I used to go to car shows and drag races with my dad, grandpa, and uncle since I was little and I’ve been obsessed since.

I decided when I was about 9 that my dream car is a 57 Chevy Bel-Air and I will own one someday.

I have one tattooed on my forearm- the only one I own…for now!

8. I like nice things but I am 0% materialistic.

That’s one of my pet peeves.

Being a good person and treating others with kindness is way more important than having nice things.


9.  I love fishing but hate baiting my hook.

I’m spoiled and usually, Dameon or Autumn will bait it for me.

Living the dream- seriously!

Here’s my biggest catch this year- a big beautiful Red Snapper!

10.  When I was growing up in CA, I never really liked the beach.

I never understood why people loved it so much. It was freezing and the sand was rough.

When we moved to FL and came to the beach in PCB, I was like “I get it!”

I’m now so obsessed with the beach!




Thanks so much for being here and part of this amazing journey!

30A brand Photographer, FL brand Photographer, Panama City Beach Brand Photographer, us small brand Photographer

©ashleymorseportraits 2022  | All RIGHTS RESERVED