Commercial Brand Photography

My Biggest 5 Life Goals | Kids Lifestyle Brand Photographer | Ashley Morse Commercial

My Biggest 5 Life Goals | Kids Lifestyle Brand Photographer | Ashley Morse Commercial


I’m a full-time Kids Lifestyle Brand Photographer for kid and baby brands but honestly, I haven’t always had a clear vision for my future.

I was asked this week “What are your 5 biggest life goals?”

As I thought about my answer to the question … My vision for my biggest 5 life goals couldn’t be clearer.


1. Be a present mom to my girls.

It’s not just about being physically there; it’s about being emotionally present for my girls.

I want them to look back on their childhood with happiness, remembering all the times we baked cookies, went fishing, and played on the beach together.



2. Be a loving and caring wife.

Dameon and I have been married for over 11 years, and what a freakin journey it’s been!

From military life to facing my own health battles, my husband has been my unwavering support.

Each day, my goal is to show him my love, my support, and how much I truly care for him.

He truly is the most wonderful man and the best husband and father I could have ever wished for.

3. Help others live happier lives and create their dreams.

My photography journey has introduced me to some seriously amazing people – hardworking moms, inspiring entrepreneurs, you name it.

I want to be the cheerleader for all the purposeful dream-chasers, helping them create the life they’ve always imagined.

It’s about more than just business; it’s about creating the space for family, joy, and the life they dream about.


4. Raise Loving, Kind, and Caring Daughters.

This goal is simple– to instill in my daughters the values of kindness, care, and joy.

I want them to see the beauty within themselves and grasp the real impact they can have on the world.

Raising my sweet girls with kindness and teaching them to extend a helping hand – that’s the essence of our family legacy I want to leave behind.

5. Love Myself Unconditionally. 

Now, here’s a goal that’s a work in progress – loving myself unconditionally.

I’ve struggled with negative self-talk for as long as I can remember, but, I’m committed to rewriting the narrative, and speaking kindness to myself.

Learning to speak kindly to myself and truly believing in my worth is a journey, and I’m all in. 💖✨



30A brand Photographer, FL brand Photographer, Panama City Beach Brand Photographer, us small brand Photographer

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